Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Author or Pirate?

Some of the high school library aides heard about the blogging and were asked for some blogging suggestions. Aimee said that a good topic for a blog would be books that had literary value, but were still cool. The examples given were Pride and Prejudice, The Three Musketeers, and The Poisonwood Bible.

Matt M. offered the idea of featuring an author. This idea resonated with me because Tuesday night my husband and I were digging up information about Clive Cussler. We really like the movie Sahara and wanted to know more about the author who inspired the movie and why there had not been more Cussler movies made. What we uncovered was very interesting!

In real life Clive Cussler is an American adventure writer and a marine archaeologist. Cussler has been on The New York Times best-seller list at least seventeen times. Cussler has also discovered more than sixty shipwreck sites.

In 1965 Cussler began writing when his wife took a night job. He was bored by himself and started writing adventure novels about Dirk Pitt.

In 2005 the movie Sahara was released. Even before the picture was finished Cussler had filed a lawsuit against the film company because the film company deviated too much from the novel. In the end Cussler lost the law suit and had to pay a total settlement amount of $20 million to the production company. That means selling a lot of books! It is easy to understand why there have not been more Cussler movies like Sahara.

In the Piedmont High School Library there are several books that have been written by Clive Cussler. The titles are Iceberg, Raise the Titanic!, Inca Gold, Pacific Vortex, Atlantis Found, Treasure, Shock Wave, Serpent, Valhalla Rising, and Fire Ice. Inca Gold was suggested by Emily another PHS library aide as the best Cussler book in the library.

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